Project: Anami Alchemia

About Anami Alchemia
Amani Alchemia is a holistic marketplace of sexual wellness. The creator of Anami Alchemia is a long time client of ours, and every project we work on together is a beautiful, colourful experience. Kim doesn’t shy away from the use of colour, which makes these types of projects so fun to work on!
The shop is built as a full custom Shopify website. We chose Shopify because it remains the gold-standard for e-commerce development and is continuing to innovate new ways to simplify the checkout process for customers. One of the challenges in this build was to integrate into the existing company CRM. Luckily, that was made simple because both softwares have an API, so Zapier worked as the perfect bridge.
Tech List
- Shopify
- CRM integration
- Zapier
Kim is an expert strategist. She creates top-notch content which attracts her tribe of clientele, so the goal for this site was to make it recognizable to her brand, while giving it a clean & crisp look.
One of the things we are most proud of in this site, is the mobile experience. It’s clear, simple and easy to navigate. Check out some of the screenshots below to preview what we did on mobile!
Looking for web development services, but not sure exactly what you need? Contact me today, and we’ll get you on the right track.
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